Sunday, July 08, 2007

convert me

I want the best. I want to read the best books, watch the best movies, drink the best drink and eat the best food.

When I think that I have or know the best, I share it with all. Here is a scoop, Lumines is fantastic game, if you have a PSP, buy it! If you want to see the finest film I have ever seen, rent Shawshank Redemption, and for my money, Bucers (a Moscow coffee shop) is the best drip coffee I have ever had.

I also believe that Jesus Christ is God's only son and is God Himself. It is in Him and Him alone that all people have access to God.

My guess is that while Lumines, Shawshank and Bucers may of been statements that you agreed with or disagreed with, my claim about Jesus elicited a much stronger reaction. My question is, why? Obviously my statement about Jesus was stronger and ultimately more important than my taste in games, movies or coffee, so it is logical that feelings should be stronger about that belief. However, doesn't also stand to reason that I should be more excited and even forceful about my belief is Jesus than about coffee?

Sadly, this is not the case for me usually. See, like most people I am a natural evangelist. I evangelize for everything. Rarely are my opinions anything less than "epic" as Donan calls them. When I am excited about any new toy or song or movie I tell everyone about it. But I am shy about evangelizing in the name of Jesus. Why?

I think a lot of it has to do with my desire to not to offend people. I am afraid that people will fin me intolerant. Or irrelevant. Or just a jerk. The reality is that people may draw just those conclusions. After all, doesn't the old adage go, "don't talk about religion or politics in polite company"? It seems that to evangelize a religious viewpoint just isn't nice or polite. Shill your coffee instead!

I think I need to call BS on this old polite adage. How can I love anyone if I keep my mouth shut about what I believe to be most important? If I believe that the God of the Universe is really interested in saving, loving and living in my closest friends, then someone explain to me how an offer of that is anything less than loving.

In 2004, my dad and I were on very different sides of the political fence. We both had deeply held beliefs about the presidential election, and for both of us, those beliefs were at least in part, rooted in our mutually shared Christianity. So did we do the "polite" thing and just be quiet for a few months? No we actually dialogued about the election and faith. Through a series of emails, my dad and I (in love) articulated our beliefs and though we never convinced each other of anything, we knew each other much better at the end.

A presidential election is very important, one of the most important events this earth offers. If there was such value in that dialogue, then how much more is there conversations about God? If God is real and has revealed Himself...isn't that important for all of us to wrestle with?

So I guess the point of this email is that there are more important things in the world than politeness. I want to invite all who are reading this to enter in to respectful dialogue with each other and those around us. If you are reading this and your beliefs are different than my own, I want you to not be afraid to talk to me and yes, even try and convince why I should smell what you are cooking. If you have read this thing, then you know my beliefs on a lot of things, if you think I am wrong, and you feel that I am wrong about something important, then love me by trying to correct me! If you are just curious as to why I said something, you can ask!

And really, try out Lumines, Shawshank and Bucer's drip. They are all really fantastic.


Michelle said...

Hey Jeremiah, I was just thinking about this today, about how people can rave about their favorite TV show or movie or musical artist, and everything thinks that's just great. But if we say something about our love for Jesus--much less Jesus' great love for us--then there are awkward silences.

How can we speak as freely about our Father as we do of other things that are important, though less so, to us? Great idea for a conversation...I'm excited to read what others have to say.

Anonymous said...

You and me both, brother. Only the best....meaning you have to watch The Wire! It is one of those types of things you will always like even if you don't want to- the ugliness behind the "good" and the beauty behind the "bad." The Sopranos is one thing, as far as respecting/admiring the bad guy, but this puts it to shame.