Monday, November 28, 2005


The Christian station now only plays Christmas music. TV commercials are all about sales at the mall. My apartment smells like a tree lot.

Ahhh, Christmas.

I love Christmas. The smells, the lights, the music, I really like it all.

Yet, I am kind of troubled this year. Not with Christmas per se, but more with the Christmas season. I mean what is this season really supposed to be about?

(by the way, I am not trying to get into the classic Jesus vs Santa debate here)

Watch some Christmas movies. Some will tell you that Christmas is stressful. Others will tell you it is about family. Still others, forgiveness. As a Christian I feel like I know this answer; Christmas is about the birth of Jesus.


But this is where I am troubled...why is that really important? I follow Jesus' teachings. I believed that I am saved by His death and resurrection, and I don't celebrate that until bunny day. Even if I do give special meaning to the birth, should that really warrant a whole season? Shouldn't a day suffice? (well and a night before with candles at church).

My church doesn't follow this logic, they insist on a whole season called Advent, which I believe is about waiting. See they believe that the birth of Jesus was (and is) a REALLY big deal. That this Messiah business should be thought about. That we should talk about it every day between yesterday and Christmas. Mostly they believe that we should learn patience and wait.

On some level this still seems silly to me. How can it be that valuable to try and mimic the Jews waiting of hundreds of years, with thirty or so of our own? Yet I do crave meaning and value in this season. So if waiting on Jesus will help, then I am going to try it. I will attempt to blog my adventures in Advent. They may be reflections on scripture, thoughts on God being born as a man, what I think about Jewish people still waiting, or whatever is bouncing around in my head at the time. I am praying and hoping that perhaps I will gain greater insight into this season and be able to share it with you.

Have a great Advent.


Denice said...

read "watch for the light" this christmas season - I say this too much, I know - but it has completely changed christmas for me. I knew it was important - but that devotional helped to put "waiting" into perspective.

Denice said...

I'm pretty sure I gave donan a copy of the book last year

Denice said...

love the new face of your blog too.