Tuesday, November 29, 2005

First Advent Thought

Have you ever really thought about the whole "God becoming man" thing? I mean really, really reflected on it? Talk about a claim worth investigating! John 1:1-18 basically lays it all out. "The Word (Jesus) was with God and was God", then Jesus became a man. However, before he could be become a man, He became a baby. A crying, sniffling, pooping helpless baby. If this is true (which I believe it to be) this is absolutely HUGE. This IN AND OF ITSELF completely disproves and simply destroys any and all argument that God is some sort of aloof, distant and angry God. Instead God is like a parent, willing to get on the ground and crawl, in order to teach His infant how to do so. I have been a Christian for a long time. Yet I always forget how absolutely mind blowing this is. I guess that is what it is like to be an infant who needs to be taught how to crawl.

To sum up my first Advent thought: Advent is a season to recognize that Jesus was willing get His hands dirty, in order to teach us how to live. Or, to cut even closer to it, Christmas is a time to thank Jesus for doing the whole man thing; Easter a time to thank Him for doing the God thing.

(Funny blogspot note. The word "blog" is not in its spell check dictionary. Mind you, this is a BLOGGING site)

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