Thursday, February 09, 2006


Okay so if it isn't obvious by now that I am on a little prayer kick. Prayer is powerful, it is the only thing in the entire world that gives us permission to dream big. One of the reason that I am so into comic books is that there always seems to be insurmountable problems that somehow get beaten. I never see that in the world though. I lack hope in humanity I guess. While I believe that I may see AIDS cured in my lifetime, I completely lack the faith to think that people will ever really care about people who are not like them dying.

That is until I pray.

When I pray I am a kid again. When I pray I believe in miracles. When I pray I believe in change. When I pray I hope.


Because I have seen it work. I have seen peoples lives change. I have seen people healed. I have seen people released from oppression. And what I haven't seen I have heard about. I have heard stories of entire communities changing and being blessed by the power of God. And that just leads me back to prayer.

I work on a college campus, it is my daily life to see people excluded, mocked and wasting potential. I hear about suicides and rapes. I see people using others and themselves to feel good for a moment.

I know my own heart. I know the things that I think about. I know how mean and spiteful I can be.

But in prayer I believe that my Father can make things all better. Just like a kid again.

Tonight InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is starting a week of 24/7 prayer. It is just like it sounds, we are going to pray for one week, 24 hours a day (we will be taking shifts, someone's gotta sleep!). Our hope is simple; to meet with and to ask God for help. Help to see justice. Help to live like Jesus. Help to see a campus and community of Shalom (the Hebrew word for peace). We will be keeping an online prayer journal at Please stop in and read what God is saying and please pray for our time. I am excited to report how things go.

1 comment:

Denice said...

I think it's awesome that you all are doing this! I feel like one thing that made time at whitman so amazing was that we really did pray a lot and devote time to prayer - it's something any person who wants to see Jesus moves needs to do!