Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Grand Plan

So I realize that I am the greatest of all blogging slackers lately. As a a result of my recent suck-a-tude I am going to attempt to make amends to all two of my faithful readers, I am going to do a road log. I am going to be traveling for the next month. I will be spending a week on a High School mission trip in Wyoming, a week and a half in Madison, Wisconsin getting learned by InterVarsity and about a week and half seeing Donan's family. I will be driving the whole time (in the new wheels...yeah). During my travels I am going to take some time every night to record my observations and points of curiosity (I am anticipating a lot of curiosities while traveling through Montana...). I can not promise to post everyday because there are like two wireless hotspots in Wyoming and Montana combined, but once I reach the Midwest, I will post everything.

Much love, hope inspiration finds me on the open road.


Anonymous said...

So who is the other reader? j/k. Sounds like one heck of an adventure. I look forward to hearing about the journey.

Anonymous said...

I always like to read what you have to say, Jeremiah.