Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Race Dynamics in Sports

Watch Hoop Dreams.

Read this article

Thank God that at least some people are willing to talk about race. It is sad that normally when race is brought up, we immediately slip into PC shells, never acknowledging that we have stereotypes and misconceptions, thus never getting to a point where we can attempt to address and get over them. We don't learn, because we are trained to never say anything. Under the shield of sports, here are two relevant entries into a real discussion about race.


(I'll be back to bad guys soon, I promise.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I was right in thinking that I knew you would like it! Still, very weird. I swear I didn't see your blog first, even though it seems like something I would do to mess with you. But I agree, very intruiging stuff. I hear that damn Morrison comparison every game, and I didn't really think it was inadvertently racist until that article. The discourse should be kept open. Can't solve anything if you don't talk about it.