Monday, November 09, 2015

Legacy of Calling

Over the next couple days, I am going to be highlighting different students that need help attending Urbana. My unabashed hope is that you will fall in love with these students, and in turn donate money or frequent flier miles to help them attend. 

Wait, you don't know what Urbana is yet? 

(I am a terrible staff worker)

You should go to the website. 

Then you should DEFINITELY watch this video (warning, Billy Graham will give you goosebumps on your goosebumps). 

I love Urbana. I answered the call to come on staff at Urbana. I learned how much the American Church needed the Global Church at Urbana. 

God is doing something. Every week, another student who just met us asks me if we have money to help. One student, nicknamed "T" asked me if I could help her. Her dad won't let her drive (she lives in Akron, Ohio). She said to me "if I could get my flight paid for, I can go. He won't help. Is there anything we can do?" 

Who is T? She is a new leader of our first Black Student Bible Study. She is a member of God's Harmony (the WSU Gospel Choir). She is smart. Funny. Missional. She is a FRESHMAN. She wants to go to Urbana and lead with IV for the next 3 1/2 years. 

So yes, I want your money. But I want to re-invest in the Kingdom of God. I want to re-invest in the Inland NW. I want re-invest it in global missions. 

If you want to give, give here.

And keep coming back here! I am going to start uploading pictures and stories of students who need help. I want you to love students like T with me! They are great. They inspire me. I hope they can inspire you too,

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